Interactive Breakout Discussions

Engage in in-depth discussions with industry experts and your peers about the progress, trends and challenges you face in implementing ML/AI in your work! Interactive discussion groups play an integral role in networking with potential collaborators, provide an opportunity to share examples from your work, and allow you to be part of a group problem-solving endeavor.

These will take place IN-PERSON ONLY.

Machine Learning in Early Discovery

Tuesday 4:15 PM- 5:30 PM 

TABLE 1: The Transition of Experimentalists into a Computational Paradigm in Pharmaceutical R&D
Moderator: Qing Chai, PhD, Executive Director, Eli Lilly & Company

  • Addressing skills gaps
  • Benchmarking progress compared with traditional structures
  • Best practices for collaboration between experimentalists and data scientists
  • Examples of successful transitions
  • Implementing models/tools and workflows based on AI/ML approaches

Models for de novo Design

Tuesday 4:15 PM- 5:30 PM 

TABLE 2: How Open Competitions Provide Valuable Benchmarking to Novel Technologies
Moderators: Andrew R.M. Bradbury, MD, PhD, CSO, Specifica, Inc., a Q2 Solutions Company
Matthieu Schapira, PhD, Principal Investigator, Structural Genomics Consortium, Professor, Pharmacology & Toxicology, University of Toronto

  • Why benchmarking is needed
  • Designed competitions, and accidental ones
  • Lessons from CACHE
  • The AIntibody competition to assess computational methods in antibody discovery​

TABLE 3: The Use of Tools for Building Gene Editors for Going Beyond Proteins
Moderator: Jeffrey Ruffolo, PhD, Head of Protein Design, Profluent Bio

TABLE 4: AI-Driven Biologics: Accelerating Discovery, Overcoming Challenges
Moderator: Per Greisen, PhD, President, BioMap

  • Motivation: The urgent need for novel biologics is driving the exploration of AI in drug discovery
  • Focus: AI's potential in accelerating biologic drug discovery, particularly de novo antibody design
  • Showcase: Successful AI-driven VHH and mAb designs
  • Discussion: AI's strengths in predicting antibody structures, challenges in translating designs into functional molecules, achieving industrial-scale reliability, and closing the gap between computational and experimental results

Training Data Generation and Quality

Thursday January 16 11:30 AM- 12:30 PM

TABLE 5: Internal Data Generation and Curation
Moderator: Kevin Metcalf, PhD, Senior Scientist, Merck

  • Amplification strategies
  • Avoiding bias
  • Closed-loop experimentation
  • Controls and validation
  • Dealing with skewed data
  • Historical data

TABLE 6: Machine Learning in Biologic Drug Discovery: Leveraging External Data Sources
Moderator: David Noble, Data Scientist, A-Alpha Bio

  • Quantity: Availability challenges, scaling laws, synthetic data
  • Quality: Diversity, leakage, reproducibility, quality vs. quantity
  • Collaborative data generation: Industry-academia partnerships, data sharing consortia
  • Federated learning: Technical challenges, open-source foundation models
  • Intellectual property: Data ownership, balancing openness with commercial interests
  • Open-source data: Curation quality, integrating diverse sources with proprietary data

Predicting Developability and Optimization Using Machine Learning

Wednesday January 15 5:10 PM-6:00 PM 

TABLE 7: Applying AI to Improve Manufacturability and Developability of Multispecific Biologics
Moderators: Mahiuddin Ahmed, PhD, President and CSO, VITRUVIAE
Jeffrey J. Gray, PhD, Professor & Research Mentor & Outreach Advisor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Johns Hopkins University

  • Improving humanization and predicting immunogenicity
  • Reducing off-target binding
  • Predicting aggregation, viscosity, and excipient formulation
  • Combining targets for improved efficacy

Thursday January 16 11:30 AM- 12:30 PM 

TABLE 8: AI/ML-Driven Design of Conditionally Active Molecules
Moderator: Hunter Elliott, PhD, Senior Director, Machine Learning, BigHat Biosciences

  • What is the therapeutic potential of conditional activity and how do we best balance this against increased complexity and risk?
  • What challenges are unique to ML-driven design of conditional molecules?
  • How does the optimal ML toolkit vary between conditional and unconditional design?
  • How best can we overcome challenges in data acquisition and availability?
  • What are the currently tractable forms of conditional activity and what can we envision for the future?​

TABLE 9: Practical Impacts of Machine Learning on Biologics Preclinical Pipeline
Moderator: Andrew B. Waight, PhD, Senior Director, Machine Learning, Discovery Biologics & Protein Sciences, Merck Research Labs

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Models for De Novo Design

Predicting Developability and Optimization Using Machine Learning